Sunday, December 08, 2019

Why an elderly lady is scared of a harmless dog

I let Elliot off the leash in Cactus Park. He is an "atas" dog and wants to look for a honorable place to poo. He said that the LHL commemoration stone is not honorable enough.

He walked passed an elderly lady who told me - Mr. Tan, please don't allow you dog out of the leash. I am afraid of dogs.

TKL - But this is a harmless dog. He does not bother anyone.

Lady - But I am scared of dogs.

TKL - Why?

Lady - I have been a teacher for many years. I was scared of the inspector, the principal, MOE and the govt. Now that I have retired, I need something else to be scared of. Otherwise, I am not a Singaporean. So, I am now scared of dogs.


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