Monday, December 09, 2019

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Is it good for parents to send their children for tuition?
2. Should the school syllabus be lightened?

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  1. If a country is so obsessed with tuition like its life or death, that tells us about the education system. Some felt like its the end of the world, because of A FEW MATHS questions which was not their kind of standard that tells us that to the parents and the systems grades solves all life's problems. Why bring children into this world ?
    In other western countries, end of school means no homework.Kids are given one book each to read a month to improve literacy, general knowledge and all rounder. With a good command of the language they are able to understand better in class and can put explanations better on paper. Reason why overseas students speaks without reading from prepared scripts.

  2. Children taking PSLE are too young to sift to secondary schools. The best option is to allow secondary schools given to distance. That way the children and parents are not stressed out on tuition and getting top results. The young are able to enjoy their childhood and this might even encourage more having children. O and A levels should be by results as the youngsters by than might be able to gauge what interest them and perhaps are able to take public transport to schools themselves regardless of distance. To do this the government need to give time for adjustment to parents and ages 10 and below, as the country has been ingrained with tuition and grades and the school they attend. This may also opportune a better mix of population at a young age.
