Thursday, December 05, 2019

WOTC - Central planning

Wisdom of the Crowd: 83% of the participants are in favor of central planning for the economy today, although it has failed in the past.

1 comment:

  1. Should we trust the "experts?"

    All societies and individuals within them are involved in planning their futures, but the question is who does the planning? Is it more effective when done by one central planning body, or should there be a system of competition where best ideas, services and products come to the fore? System can work best should be determined by able to deploy existing knowledge and information to its fullest extent. It is logical to trust the experts, but also logical to trust the general public.
    The problem of long-time central planning is that it assumes over time things will not change much. A lot of knowledge is personal and local and therefore not able to decentralized.
