Sunday, December 01, 2019

WOTC - Should the two servicemen be penalized for the death of Aloysius Pang?

Wisdom of the Crowd: 91% of the participants said that the two servicemen should not be penalized for the death of Aloysius Pang. 9% said that they were negligent and should be penalized.

See the breakdown of the votes in


  1. What is an electrical circuit and its inter-- connections.

  2. Accidents are usually caused by a chain of events, not by a single event.

  3. People are dying for nothing. Go Botanic Garden for picnic tree fell on die. Got early cancer cannot diagnose also die. Cars and ppl die daily on roads. PPl die on walkways. Knives attacking each other also die. Not a safe country anymore?

  4. A chickens pie whichever way you cut will still be the same-size chickens pie.
