Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Quora: Who is more intelligent, more measured, more stable between China's Xi and US' Trump?

Masao Miwa, Always interested, especially Asia
Answered Dec 16

Let’s look at the facts.

Donald Trump was born into a rich family and his father is said to have bought his son’s way into Wharton where he got a Bachelor’s degree. None of the profs remember Trump. Trump says his father gave him a small loan to get him started. The NY Times said it was more like $60.7 million. Trump says he is worth $10 billion, Forbes claims he is only worth $3 billion. Trump is said to have declared bankruptcy 6 times.

Trump claimed he turned a 'small' $1 million loan from his father into an empire. The New York Times says it was more like $60.7 million in loans

TRUMP: My 'massive' net worth is 'in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS'

The Details About the 6 Donald Trump Corporate Bankruptcies

His followers consider him a genius, supreme leader, sharp negotiator, and super salesman On the last criteria, he must be right, his base of believers number in the millions.

On the other hand, Xi Jinping, though a princeling (a person whose parents were high in the communist government), when his father was purged, Xi was sent to the countryside to learn from the peasants there. From that rural start, Xi learned on his own and eventually when he came back, got a degree in Chemistry at Tsinghua University, China’s MIT. Later he got a Doctorate in law degree from Tsinghua. His political career started at the bottom as a village chief and worked his way up the ranks from city to province responsibilities and finally in the elite circles in Beijing where he is now President for life. He also holds several other titles as Paramount Leader, General Secretary of the Communist Party. and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. China is saving a lot of money with one person holding down so many positions. It also makes him the most powerful leader in China since Mao. Xi is the sponsor of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), responsible for the purge of corrupt officials in government, and the long-range planning of China’s economy and revitalization and architect of China’s military. 85% of Chinese think their government is on the right path. If so, Xi must have over a billion followers.

I vote for Xi Jinping based on merit and accomplishments.

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