Wednesday, January 29, 2020

There is no need to worry excessively about the Wuhan virus

Most people like to worry excessively about the Wuhan virus.

I want to take an optimistic view, which are:

a) The health authority in China and Singapore are dealing with the problem quite effectively.

b) The number of infected cases and deaths are still increasing, but they are in a linear proportion and not geometric proportion.

c) Given some time, the medical research should be able to find a remedy for the virus.

d) If the situation does get worse, I am confident that the health authority will take any additional steps that may be necessary.

There is no need to worry excessively or to suggest extreme measures to be taken or to sign petitions asking for these extreme measures. We can leave it to the experts to decide what is necessary to be done. They will do their best. We have to trust them. We should give them the space to do their work and not distract them with unhelpful alarm.

To back up my words, I have just added to my portfolio of China shares, which has been badly beaten down during the past week. I believe that a good solution will be found. If I am wrong, I shall end up with a big loss on my portfolio, OK?

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