Monday, January 27, 2020

WOTC - Corruption in Singapore

Wisdom of the Crowd: 85% of the respondents said that Singapore has a high level of corruption involving cronies. 15% think that our system is quite free of corruption.

1 comment:

  1. The convenience of a high tech country.

    Our 8 family members went to NUH to visit a blood relative in high dependency ward. On arriving there was a notice at the visitors registration that only 2 visitors were allowed at a time. Starting we tapped our IC, only 1 barrier opened for 1 relative. At the ward we asked the nurse, she explained that it could be 1 previous visitor did not went out by the legal way out there upon 1 visitor was still in the ward. She suggested we Q'd to explain our situation at the registration counter. After doing so, the 2nd round was no problem for 2 persons to enter. Then when the 2nd visit people tapped out their IC, the third round repeated with only 1 entry. So we Q'd again to ask if the system could just cleared the past to freshly allowed 2 persons to enter at a time when the last 2 persons tapped out. We were told the system could not do it. We spent almost a day 1 by 2 of the hassle at NUH.
