Saturday, February 08, 2020

Get ready for food rationing

The minister for health issued DORSCON orange. It led to a panic with many people rushing to buy and stockpile food. What would happen when we get DORSCON red?

I suggest that the govt starts preparation for food rationing. It should work like this.


  1. The Prime Minister of Singapore has come out and speak to his people with his nice baggy CNY shirt. Life has to go on.

  2. POFMA NEWS-If you have a runny nose and sputum when you have a cold, you cannot be a new type of coronavirus pneumonia, because coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough without runny nose. This is the simplest way to identify. Please tell your friends that if you know more about medical knowledge, you will have more awareness of identification and prevention.

    This time, the Wuhan virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed at a temperature of 26-27 degrees. Therefore, drink more hot water. You can tell your friends and relatives to drink more hot water to prevent it.
    It has been cold recently, and drinking hot water is also very comfortable. It is not a cure and is good for the body. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink ice, remember! TAKE THIS AS A PINCH OF SALT?
