Wednesday, February 19, 2020

How to make merchants like cashless payments

Most people find that they have to carry too many cards.

That's right.

Each person should be required to carry no more than (say) 6 cards. Each card should be actively used.

These 6 cards card be:

a) an identity card
b) a transit card
c) a credit card
d) an employee or school card
e) a cash card (but it must be universally accepted)
f) whatever if your favorite.

I get annoyed with the PG or the MG card or the PA card. They are not well used, except for getting discounts. Why not use the NRIC for discounts?

We need to have a universally accepted cash card. To make it possible, the cash card should be easy to use, low cost and convenient.

The NETS cash card or the EZLink card is not well used because the merchants find the device to be too expensive (even on monthly rental) and the transaction fee to be too high.

I developed the Tap Pay card to be the solution. The merchant can use the mobile phone or tablet as the device to process the payment card. This will bring the cost down to an attractive level. If the retailers, hawkers and merchants like it, it can take off.

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