Saturday, February 08, 2020

Install solar panels on roofs

Hi Kin Lian,

See my monthly report from my solar PV system. It shows the kwh my system has produced for me. In terms of trees, its like having 15 trees absorb the CO2 and that's just for my little home. It has also halved my electricity bill.

I think spore being on the equator, the govt should go all out putting PV panels on all public buildings especially those with large roof areas. They should use govt funds to deploy PV panels on HDB roof tops and try and offset the electricity consumed per block for common areas.

Do so on HDB roofs as there are no trees tall enough to drop leaves onto. The need to maintain the systems should also create not an insignificant number of jobs which I'm sure even ITE grads can take up.

Doing this on a large scale will help the economy move towards "new industries" and "post industrial revolution" sectors of the economy. The flow on effects (from an economist's perspective) should then be exploited to create even more jobs in the "new economy".

This is at least one way spore can capitalise on its location - being at the equator.

Of course the current govt will not listen, having already given Elon Musk the cold shoulder. I suspect they want to "protect" their oil refining industry. Or maybe they are just short sighted. But spore can and should have both. I also wonder if the oil refining industry on Jurong island employ PV panels on a large scale to help power their operations.


Minister Masagoes - are you listening?

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