Saturday, February 29, 2020

Loan to cover loss of income

A good way for a business to survive the economic crisis is to cut down on expenses, of which a large part is on wages. They should encourage their workers to take no pay leave.

The workers will suffer a loss of income, but remain employed. There is no need for the business to retrench any of its workers.

Some workers have savings and can cope with the loss of income. But some cannot. They have financial commitments.


  1. For those property sellers who told their agents, not to entertain buyers who do not have the money for their sky-high asking price, might have to eat humble pie soon!

  2. Those condos with plot ratio 2.1 or 2.8 with fewer units and a good sizable land with freehold status will still find buyers for investments. Fewer units do not mean big units. More units but with smaller or equivalent unit sizes may also be attractive to buyers. When one buys with no such enbloc potential and as the development gets older and repairs start to eat, prices will start to decrease.

  3. Can anybody be a perfect leader?

    Adapts to changing environment

    Set realistic expectations

    Listens carefully to views and opinions

    Holds accountability

    Commits to diversity

    Are open to a new way of doing things other than payout and collect $$$$$$$$

    Are committed to creating new jobs

    Care deeply for fellow human beings.

    And Others.

    Where to find?

  4. More than a year ago I accompanied my single fren to view Mill Point. We saw a unit facing the inner view. The asking

    price was $1.75 million for a 2 bedroom. My fren offered 1.65 million as a few months back #13-08 was sold for $1.55

    million. This hoa lian owner said he would not sell anything below 1.73 million. My fren bought another unit for 1.65

    million. Today the hoa lian unit is still in the market asking around 1.73 million. Hopefully, it will stay on Guru for another

    3 years.

  5. Charleston is a freehold apartment comprising of several storeys. It is made up of forty-eight units.
    Selling with or without Tenancy, Tenant has been living there for the past 6 years.

    * This is NOT a FIRE SALE unit nor the seller is desperate to sell*
    Thanks for the understanding.
