Sunday, February 09, 2020

Take sensible measures to reduce the risk, but do not be alarmed

Up to now, I am still quite relaxed about the risk of coronavirus in Singapore.

It is still quite safe in Singapore, because the number of infected people is less than 100 and nobody died yet.

I know that there is a small spread of infection, but the scale is still small.

It may get worse, or it may not.

I think we do not need to worry excessively for these reasons:

a) Unlike Hubei which is now in winter, Singapore has a hot climate all year round. The harm from the virus should be lower. Many people died because of the cold weather and the infection from the virus causing pneumonia.

b) Most of the infected people will survive. Some will reach a severe stage, but they will also survive. Some may die, but it will not be in alarming numbers.

(Don't tell me about the rubbish that every life is precious - it is not a logical way to deal with the problem).

So, for the time being - no face mask for me. And no scramble for groceries. (I am speaking for myself. My family may not agree with me, but they are more typical Sinkie).

So, I don't agree with the code Orange, but anyway, the harm is done, and panic has been caused. Th groceries in most supermarkets are sold out.

Some people said that the situation in Wuhan and Hubei is very serious. I agree. But it does not mean that Singapore or the whole world is in that situation. We need to see what our real risk is. We should not use the situation in Wuhan as the basis to plan our response.

Looking ahead, I think the govt should use the army barracks in Pulau Ubin and Tekong, the university hostels and hotel rooms are quarantine centers to handle the 30,000 workers from China who are returning to Singapore.

I do not agree with the govt's plan to quarantine the 30,000 workers at home. It is too risky and unfair to the workers and their landlords.

We should allow the workers to return to Singapore in batches that can be accommodated in the quarantine centers. These centers should be manned by specially employed people who can manage the quarantine procedures.

Although I may appear to be unalarmed, I would support sensible measures, such as quarantine, to reduce the risk.

The situation may get much worse than I expect, but it may not. Let us wait to see what really happens. We should not project the worse case and plan on that basis.

So, i will not be wearing any mask for the time being But I will wash my hands 10 times a day - I promise.

Tan Kin Lian

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