Friday, February 21, 2020

What is good for Singapore and for the people

Mr. Tan
I saw your recent posts about face masks and CCS. You seem to change your stance and is now pro-PAP. Are you contesting the election under PAP ticket?

What an idiotic question!
I am not pro PAP. I am not anti PAP.

I speak for what is good for Singapore and for the people of Singapore.

I do not like many of the PAP policies. I find that they are harmful to the people. That is why I speak against the bad policies.

The bad policies are:
a) Increase the cost of living
b) Fail to ensure that the citizens have jobs
c) Wasteful spending.
d) Lack of transparency and giving rubbish excuses.

But I am not anti PAP. I do not criticize them anyhow. I find some of the criticisms made by the anti-PAP people to be rather extreme.

No. I am not contesting under the PAP ticket. I don't think they want me. I also do not like most of their policies.


  1. Since when whether pro or anti-PAP are being imposed in measuring what others should or shouldn't be doing?

  2. They raise GST so we can spend less.

    They raise Electric prices to save our environment.

    They raise Public Transport so we can walk more.

    They raise COE and ERP so that fewer cars on the road to save the environment.

    They raise water prices so that we will use less water.

    They catch and fine smokers so that we will quit smoking and improve our health.

    They ban Electric Scooter so that we can walk and be healthier.

    They want you to work longer so that you won't have anything to do.

    They keep our CPF so that we won't anyhow spend our money.

    They paid the minister millions so that we can be inspired to become like them.

    Thank You Government.

  3. The dishonourable mara sandara is out. It is not PMLEE or his isteri. It is the tamak wang relatives. Who can we trust in our own keluarga? Can even make this into a filem. Pasti sold out. Crooks.

  4. Movies on Najib & Wife or LHY & Wife. Both will be award-winning.

  5. What kind of examples is this couple passing to their children? There will come a time when they are frail and in discomfort, their sons and daughter-in-law will be waiting in the sideline waiting for them to die to steal to the max. What goes around comes around?

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