Saturday, March 28, 2020

Big loss due to speculative hedging practice

We cannot blame SIA for the loss caused by the ban on flights during the pandemic.

However, we should hold the management and board of SIA (and its parents Temasek Holdings) for the losses due to their speculative hedging practice. It is very bad.

Read my reason here:



    From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.

    All calls are recorded

    All phone call recordings saved

    WhatsApp is monitored

    Twitter is monitored

    Facebook is monitored

    All social media and forums are monitored

    Inform those who do not know.

    Your devices are connected to ministry systems.

    Take care not to send unnecessary messages

    Inform your children, Relatives and friends about this to take care

    Don't forward any posts or videos etc., you receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc.

    Police have put out a notification termed ..Cyber Crime ... and action will be taken...just don't delete ...

    Inform your friends & others too.

    Writing or forwarding any msg on any political & religious debate is an offence now....arrest without a warrant...

    This is very serious, plz let it be known to all our groups and individual members as group admin can b in deep trouble.

    Take care not to send unnecessary messages.

  2. Our Prime Minister has conveyed to us how worrisome and will be facing. He is a good leader. Thank You Mister Lee

  3. Some caring lawyers, unrelated to their clients have insisted that we see a doctor with a proof letter that at this time of making a will, we are not an unsound state of mind. And we are not even 89.

  4. Parenthood is not basically just following around kids for a couple of decades and making sure they don't fall. They want to explore.

  5. Hopefully soon temporary suspension contributions to CPF for both employers and employees.

  6. Most used CPF to pay for the mortgage leh.

    "Hopefully soon temporary suspension contributions to CPF for both employers and employees."

    Answer to above.

  7. According to them, public housing is subsidised. By right it is for those who cannot afford condominiums. We do not the purpose of Executive Condominiums. Part for them to make profits from land sales and other bits of charges eg GST from all the building materials, workers levies so on and so forth. Money that now gives them an advantage over K-19 over other political parties. It was never a housing for the people. It was business. Those qualified to buy ingrain about housing. All their concern was what price they are able to sell in the future. Housing has become a business for some, setting the examples from the very top.
