Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Take the appropriate measures according to the circumstance

Most people think that the lockdown and social distancing is the best way to slow down the spread of the corona virus.

Sweden is more relaxed about it. They do not adopt these extreme measures.

Is Sweden right? Do they have to change their strategy? We will wait and see.

The lesson is - do not adopt extreme measures until they become really necessary. These measures cause other problems, which could be worse than the disease itself.

The UK was somewhat relaxed at first. When they saw the spread, the govt panicked and imposed a lockdown.

But they also took other measures, such as getting volunteers to help the elderly and increase added 4,000 beds in a temporary hospital to cope with the increase case load.

I expect the UK to relax its lockdown soon, when the other measures are in place. Let us see.

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