Friday, March 13, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should the govt take on the duty to ensure that all citizens have jobs?
2. Will China export corona virus test kits to other countries?

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  1. Go listen to coffee shoptalk. Cheng hoo i lui nia. How many young families have savings for rainy days? Every citizen, PR. work per holders or whoever living compulsory here put $10 every month into an escrow account for the storm or country under threat with the government.
    The biggest number of young people have a personal credit loan averaging 8 years. It was shocking that they were so truthful about the situation although both were having a good income. The ones in this situation are those with at least two children. What will happen if one spouse not working for a few months?
    There is nothing wrong with a housing loan stretch to 90 years. When they stop working and the children are able to support themselves and move out. The old couple can then sell their place and move to a smaller home perhaps their remaining loan will be left at only 20% the of the house., they have 80% of the cash after redeeming the loan. The property might also have increased. With less payment towards the mortgage, young couples can afford to have more children with extra money to spend. But this does not mean every couple would want this model because they pay out more interest in the log run. At least, this might leave an option for couples who find this option suitable.

  2. Circular to all doctors in Australian Hospitals

    Wash your hands REGULARLY including your wrists or use hand sanitizer when you are out and about.

    Assume all surfaces in shops, restaurants, bars etc are possibly contaminated if there are people about and they haven’t been just cleaned. The virus can probably survive for up to 9 days on hard surfaces, and up to 2 days on clothing.

    Always clean your hands immediately before eating.

    DO NOT touch your mouth, nose or eyes. (this is really hard to do and requires constant practice)

    DO NOT shake hands with anyone, kiss them or touch them. Use foot bumps or elbow bumps.

    DO NOT attend large gatherings where you are within one metre of other people. Try to avoid meetings of many close people in one room for longer than 2 hours.

    Use wipes to clean your smartphone thoroughly and regularly. There is no point washing your hands well if you then touch your contaminated phone.

    Try to minimize touching your phone when you are out and about, if you are going to use it for calls, as you may contaminate your face. Same goes for earpods, if you keep touching them with contaminated hands, they will be contaminated.

    Have good respiratory hygiene. Sneeze into a tissue and immediately dispose of it into a closed bin. If you have no tissue, sneeze into your elbow.

    When you get home, wash your hands. Clean your phone and earpods, keys etc thoroughly with wipes or soap and water (if waterproof) and place on a clean bench that you have also wiped clean. (Apple recommends isopropyl alcohol to clean iPhones and iPads). Then wash your hands again thoroughly.

    All of these same precautions apply to children’s hands, toys and ipads if they’ve been out and about.

    If you are a health worker contacting patients take your clothes off and shower when you get home. Keep your clothes in a separate (isolated) place and wash in hot water after 2 days.

    If you have elderly relative or friends or people with chronic disease or immunocompromise I would recommend that they try to stay home from now on as much as possible. You can support them by taking groceries to them and leaving them on the porch. DO NOT touch them, and if you visit, stay 2 metres from them and don’t touch anything unless you need to. Clean any surfaces you touch.

    Up to 30% of people have no symptoms as they become infected and they appear to be able to spread a lot of virus in this period for some days- thus you should consider yourself and everyone else who hasn’t had the virus and completely recovered as possibly infectious.

    If you have had the virus and recovered and shown to have immunity, then you can visit at risk family and friends, but you must still be very careful about hand hygiene and surface contamination from the outside world.

    Try to look after yourself and get a good amount of sleep. Over 7 hours of sleep is shown to significantly boost your immune system. This may help you avoid the virus if you are only exposed to a small amount, and to fight the virus if you contract it.

    If you get symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath you should immediately self isolate at home, wear a mask around your family (or stay completely separate from them if you don’t have one). Wear a mask and wash your hands religiously, if you have to go outside the house for supplies or to see your doctor or get tested.

    Please know that less common symptoms reported from the Chinese studies include the symptoms of muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and dizziness, so if you develop these symptoms, do not discount them because they are not respiratory. Isolate yourself, and speak to your doctor.

  3. Our dear Prime Minister,

    Majority of our hearts are heavy that this might be your last front-line in this coming election, in which after you will

    become Senior Minister. We will be missing you lots. Along the way, you have age tremendously and may you stay

    healthy. It is with great sadness to see you lose so much weight. When we travel overseas, it was with proudness

    to hear the Singapore Father and Son. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You and your father will forever be


    A born and bred Singapore Citizen.

  4. To have a housing loan stretching up to 90 years old should only be for families who owned only one property and to live in. It should not be for speculators who abused the system.
