Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Which method is best to reduce the spread of the corona virus?

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  1. A lot of things only look good from the outside.

  2. Anonymous said...
    From my Sister in law who is working in the Healthcare industry:

    My company has issued a warning that there is a *scam call* going around:
    they claim to be from MOH and say that you have come in contact with a COVID case. they will ask for your name, NRIC and personal information.

    do not give them any information. in doubt ask the caller for their name, and call back MOH hotline:
    6325 9220
    March 26, 2020 7:29 PM

  3. Singapore's Prime Minister can afford to take a temp pay cut. He lives frugally like his father. Why? The public has only

    seen him wear one jacket. A blueish grey colour one. Watch him when he sits in parliament.

  4. Why we must get worried?

    They never treat us good with most of their policies.

    Why now treat the people so good?

    Terribly worried.

  5. Overnight we have compassionate leaders I agree that it sounds frightening.

  6. They felt a camaraderie with its people in terms of survival. Wat about the housing living conditions?
