Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Circuit breaker caused economic downturn

Bad news for Japan and Singapore. Economic problems ahead
Japan, Singapore could be the worst-hit Asian economies in the coronavirus pandemic, says Moody's Analytics - https://www.cnbc.com/…/japan-singapore-worst-hit-asian-econ…
TKL comment. Singapore would not be badly hit if it had just continued its containment measures, i.e. safe distancing and wear face mask, without calling the circuit breaker for four weeks. It is insane now to extend the circuit breaker for another four weeks.
The impact of the virus is quite mild. Although there was a large increase of over 10,000 new cases over the past three weeks, the death rate remained at 2 per million (compared to 200 to 500 in America and some countries in Europe) and the ICU cases is steady at less than 30 (actually 22 today).


  1. No Pain-No Gain.

  2. For those genuine who has been waiting on the side to buy properties, your time is here. Those owners think that properties can and will go up forever.........................

  3. When spending billions and maximizing full resources, we might as well go all the way and have the virus wipe out once and for all. Then, we will not end up right back where we began. That's why as soon as we cross over, we know there's no going back.

  4. Subsale for Pearl Bank pricing averages $2300 psf for 99 years. Most are a built-in area of 450 sq ft. so just under 1 million. Sellers stamp duty is priced in.
