Thursday, April 02, 2020

Complicated criteria used for SIRS

Someone created a song - ask MP, why SIRS not for me?

I checked this acronym (you know, PAP likes to create acronym for every new scheme) and found that it is "self employed income relief scheme).

To qualify for SIRS, you have to meet many criteria. Sure, that is PAP's approach. Everything must be convoluted.

I read also that the Ministry of Manpower will consider appeal from people who don't quality for SIRS and face hardship.

Well - that is PAP's approach. Set up a convoluted scheme, allow appeal, must ask MP, etc.

What is an alternative approach?

I will ask people who need the assistance to get a loan, but they must pay back with interest, pegged at the rate of inflation. That's it.


  1. Property:-

    Wah Piang Eh, say here say there. Some are the line of rice bowl. They will not talk no commission. If we are them we also talk to we need the buy sell to earn money. In this part of world, whether they pridict price up, nobody wants to pay, the price is still not up. If they said price down, nobody want to sell that price, will not go down. Tio Bo. Where we talking about millions buyers and sellers use their brain even if one have none.

  2. Resale can ask whatever price they think their product is worth, but if no one wants to buy, it is worth nothing.

    Buyers can consider lowering the asking price, but if the owner does not want to sell, it is still worth nothing.
