Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Difficult to read the MOH website

I had a lot of trouble to search the MOH website for statistics on the covid-19 cases.

I finally arrived at this webpage

It was a confusing page. It provided links to the following:
a) situation report
b) Interactive situation report

The first link lead to another page that contains the daily report in PDF. I am not able to download or view the PDF.

The second link took a long time to load and presents graphs that are hard to follow.

It would be more useful if MOH would just give the tables in Excel or PDF that can be easily displayed or downloaded.

They should just follow what is done in the WHO website.

I cannot understand why MOH has to make life so difficult for the public.


  1. Did the two doctors in the news using their female patients for sex got away with the SMC? Do they

    have any sisters or daughters? How many lives have they ruined?

  2. Hi everyone, I saw comments from people who had already got their loan from Steve Wilson Loan firm. Honestly I thought it was a scam, and then I decided to make a request based on their recommendations. A few days ago, I confirmed in my personal bank account amounting to $720,000 , which I requested for business. This is really good news and I am so happy that I advise all those who need a real loan and who are sure to reimburse to apply through their email (WhatsApp) +16673078785 There are sincere loan lenders!
    They are able to lend you a loan.
    Contact Mr Steve Wilson.

  3. Don't feel safe paying expensive money going to doctors now?

    Anonymous said...
    Did the two doctors in the news using their female patients for sex got away with the SMC? Do they

    have any sisters or daughters? How many lives have they ruined?
    April 23, 2020 12:41 AM

  4. Michael Palmer did not get away.

  5. Due to the current Covid 19 lockdown, *it is expected that there will be a baby boom in about 9 mths.*

    We can expect some of the following baby names.

    1. Chinese Family.
    Boy : Lim Lock Down
    Girl : Quarantina Lim

    2. Malay Family
    Boy : Mohd. Virul
    Girl : Siti Coronawati

    3. Indian Family.
    Boy : Covidasamy
    Girl : Viruladevi

    And of course , not forgetting the Singhs....

    Boy: Social Distan Singh
    Girl : Rona Kaur

    The Chinese one obviously not written by Chinese lah

    Boy: Koh Ren Teen
    Girl: Koh Ro Nah

    Have a good, safe , healthy and Blessed day.
