Friday, April 24, 2020

Focus on useful activities to combat the covid-19 virus

I visited Greenwich V mall. I had to queue up before entering the mall. The security officer took the temperature of the shoppers. I recorded 35 C. I asked the officer to retake the temperature. It still record 35 C. I told her that I was just taken out of the fridge. 

It is clear that the temperature gun is not working properly. But the security officer does not know.

I had to record my name and contact number. The recording of this contact tracing details was what caused the delay in the queue.

I wonder how the contact tracing detail can be used. If an infected person visit the mall, will all the shoppers who visited the mall on the same day be traced?

I think that this is a waste of time. But we are doing it all the place, perhaps in a few thousand malls and offices. We have been doing it for several months.

Does the ministerial task force pay attention to this matter? Do they realize that they are distracting people from the real risks of spreading the disease, with the useless activities?

I prefer that the security officer spend the time to show people how they can use the sanitizers and help them check their face masks.


  1. Due to the current Covid 19 lockdown, *it is expected that there will be a baby boom in about 9 mths.*

    We can expect some of the following baby names.

    1. Chinese Family.
    Boy : Lim Lock Down
    Girl : Quarantina Lim

    2. Malay Family
    Boy : Mohd. Virul
    Girl : Siti Coronawati

    3. Indian Family.
    Boy : Covidasamy
    Girl : Viruladevi

    And of course , not forgetting the Singhs....

    Boy: Social Distan Singh
    Girl : Rona Kaur

    The Chinese one obviously not written by Chinese lah

    Boy: Koh Ren Teen
    Girl: Koh Ro Nah

    Have a good, safe , healthy and Blessed day.

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