Saturday, April 18, 2020

Positive cases detected through testing of patients at clinics

There was a report that several patients visiting clinics were tested at random for covid-19 and a certain number was found to be positive. This suggested that the community spread was more widespread than thought previously.

I was not surprised by this finding. It would be more helpful if the ministry of health disclosed the number that were tested and the number that were found to be positive and the proportion that were asymptomatic.

This is actually good news for the people in Singapore and probably bad news for the ministerial task force.

Why do I say so? It might expose their incompetence!


  1. I am still learning. Michelangelo at 87.

  2. ( Realistic Quote)

    1859: He who never made a mistake, never made a discovery. (Samuel Smiles)

    The man who never makes any blunders seldom makes any good hits. (Josh Billing)

    A man who never makes a mistake will never make anything.1889 (Attributed: Mr. Phelps)

    : It’s only those who do nothing that makes no mistakes.1896 (Joseph Conrad)

    Show me a man who has never made a mistake, and I will show you the one who has never tried anything. (Anonymous)
