Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quora: President Trump tweeted that 17,000 people died from Swine Flu under Obama. How does this compare to his Coronavirus numbers?

Someone replied:

First, the swine flu did not kill 17,000 people, as Trump maintained in his tweet. Nor did it kill 14,000, the figure he cited days earlier. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that H1N1 killed about 12,500 Americans between April 2009 and 2010, far fewer people than typically die each year from the flu. (Trump has gotten this figure right on other occasions.)

Second, the president’s characterization of the government’s response does not match reality. If anything, the response to H1N1 was swift in comparison to the current administration’s handling of the coronavirus.

“I assume what he’s trying to say is somehow he’s doing a much better job,” Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services under Obama, said in an interview Wednesday. “I just find that totally baffling. Anybody who looks at the comparisons very quickly understands that this is not the case.”


  1. Mortgage rates will be going down next month. Some banks might be offering 0.9% interests.

  2. Most will be able to hold on their properties till recession over as not many new resales. Those still for sale are very old advertisements most more than two years old. These are not serious sellers.

  3. One or two websites wanted to maintain that they are popular. They just left old adverts without taking them out. Don't believe what you see. It makes that a lot of agents advertise on their site. Some are the agents put a dummy advert to hook buyers.

  4. We may not agree on a lot of things. But we all agree that we all have one thing in common.

  5. Those with no enbloc potential and past 18 years of age with no reasonable pricing will be hard to find buyers. If they cannot sell when the economy was better, what assume them that can still sell with the same pricing Covid-19. Damn sia suay.

  6. Hi everyone, I saw comments from people who had already got their loan from Steve Wilson Loan firm. Honestly I thought it was a scam, and then I decided to make a request based on their recommendations. A few days ago, I confirmed in my personal bank account amounting to $720,000 , which I requested for business. This is really good news and I am so happy that I advise all those who need a real loan and who are sure to reimburse to apply through their email (WhatsApp) +16673078785 There are sincere loan lenders!
    They are able to lend you a loan.
    Contact Mr Steve Wilson.
    E-mail: stevewilsonloanfirm@gmail.com

  7. Due to the current Covid 19 lockdown, *it is expected that there will be a baby boom in about 9 mths.*

    We can expect some of the following baby names.

    1. Chinese Family.
    Boy : Lim Lock Down
    Girl : Quarantina Lim

    2. Malay Family
    Boy : Mohd. Virul
    Girl : Siti Coronawati

    3. Indian Family.
    Boy : Covidasamy
    Girl : Viruladevi

    And of course , not forgetting the Singhs....

    Boy: Social Distan Singh
    Girl : Rona Kaur

    The Chinese one obviously not written by Chinese lah

    Boy: Koh Ren Teen
    Girl: Koh Ro Nah

    Have a good, safe , healthy and Blessed day.

  8. One ageing place used to be sold at $1300 psf. The surrounding brand new ones are now selling at $2600 psf. The ageing place put up their prices to $2100 psf. A difference of 61% upwards in price?

  9. When one is spending millions, one does not go in blindly, regardless of what the seller thinks his place is worth or what the price he wants?

  10. Not a good place to invest anymore. Once Ah Long takes up Senior Mentor or Minister this country will go more downer.
    As long got a house to stay can invest in other things.
