Monday, April 06, 2020

Unethical business practice

I want to share an example of unethical business ethics.

At an early date, I bought a temperature gun for $9. It worked well. I immediately placed an order for 3 more guns. The order was accepted.

Two weeks later, the supplier cancelled the order. They claimed - out of stock.

I looked for another supplier and placed an order for 3 pieces at a slightly higher price. The order was accepted.

The same outcome happened. Two weeks later, the supplier cancelled the order claiming - out of stock.

The same equipment are not being offered for 4 to 5 times of the previous price.

I suspect, in both cases, the suppliers found that they could sell their equipment at a higher price. So, the cancelled the order, after accepting it and collecting the money.

The website refunded the money, but it was an unethical business practice.

1 comment:

  1. We ordered some supplements from AMAZON. The product was the same but the brand and the price difference. The ones we ordered costs around $800. The retail price of the items that were delivered on their web page was $90. $800 was deducted from our account. Messages were sent regarding the wrong things delivered and the wrong amount deducted. So far the reply was digibot. There were no numbers to call.
