Thursday, April 02, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Why is the Spanish flu given this name when it started in Kansas, USA?

2. How should the government control food prices during the pandemic?

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  1. Public Notice.
    Notice is hereby given that, in order to prevent the spread of Spanish Influenza, all Schools, public and private, Churches, Theaters, Moving Picture Halls, Pool Rooms and other places of amusement, and Lodge meetings, are to be closed until further notice.
    All public gatherings consisting of 10 or more are prohibited.
    D. W. Sutherland, Mayor.
    Kelowna, B.C., 19 October 1918.

    History just keeps repeating!

  2. Thomson plaza NTUC C19 infected today. 2 infected sisters from flame tree condo went to Thomson plaza NTUC shopping. Then eat at the food court & take taxi back to condo. Tracing is on going. So don't go to Thomson plaza for next 7 days at least.

