Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Was it wise to extend the circuit breaker?
2. Will the second wave of covid-19 be more serious?
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  1. My food is beginning to taste delicious. ( tobacco in my system has decreased)

    I have not had a bad hangover from clubbing at weekends for a few weeks.

    Hope that it is not my imagination that I can breathe better.

    My resolution is that I will not make rational and impulsive decisions to indulge in clubbing once discos lock-down is lifted. I have been trying hard to quit smoking. Now is the time.

    Health is paramount.

  2. Ya congrats too. I have been trying to quit but suffers nicotine withdrawal.

  3. I told my wife she can kiss me. My mouth does not stink much as I have by no choice cut down on smoking.
