Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Creating jobs for Singaporeans after the pandemic

The Singapore economy will be transformed.

The global economy in the future will have less global trade. Most countries will manufacture a bigger proportion of their products at home. This will affect Singapore badly. There will be less global trade and the need for financial services. Many of the well paying jobs in the past will disappear.

How can Singaporeans, especially the younger ones, find jobs in the future?


  1. Sacrificing tails to save lizards leh. That's what is happening

  2. Because as we all see the policy-makers just seemed to have an emotional attachment to money?

    Property Purchase;

    Loan To Value (LTV); Ascertain that the banks are safe in the event the properties are repossessed.

    Total Debt Servicing Ratio(TDSR); Ascertain the buyer's affordability and are not overstretched on repayment.

    Stamp Duties; A world thing.

    Additional Buyers Stamp Duties ( ABSD) The uncomfortable hidden truth!
