Sunday, May 03, 2020

Expansion of isolation facilities

I wish to give credit to the ministerial task force for the speed in which they have expanded the isolation facilities for people who are tested positive for the covid-19 virus.

They have already added 18,000 beds within a short time and plan to add another 23,000 beds by the end of June. See report.

This was useful to accommodate the recent spite in cases, most of which are found in the foreign worker dormitories.

My friend, who is a skeptic, said that this is not an outstanding achievement. It does not require highly paid ministers to arrive at this decision or to oversees its execution. He said that many other countries have also responded in this manner. We only need to follow their lead.

My friend also pointed out that many ordinary people have suggested earlier to expand the facilities. These people are not as highly paid as the ministers.

I do not want to argue against my friend, the skeptic. So, I will give credit to our highly paid ministers for their good response.

I do criticize the ministers for their bad judgment in many aspects of their handling of this crisis, especially with the costly and unnecessary circuit breaker. That is a separate issue.

I have put up several dozen posts on the handling of the covid-19 crisis over the past two months. See here. My approach is different from the ministerial task force on many issues. I will leave it to history to judge whether the ministerial task force had acted correctly.

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