Sunday, May 31, 2020

Have an open mind about non PAP politicians

Several people have told me that they like to see a change of government, but they are not able to support the non PAP parties and their candidates.

They consider that the non PAP parties are not able to offer any constructive alternative.

I asked them if they have read the policy papers put out by these parties, such as the Workers Party, Singapore Democratic Party, the Singapore First Party or the Reform Party.

These papers are well thought out and are often better than the PAP policy papers.

They admitted that they have not.

I asked them - how can you expect to have a credible opposition if you have a negative opinion of the alternative parties and are not even willing to keep an open mind to understand what they stand for.

I also see another negative trait. Many people are more inclined to see the negative aspects of the non PAP candidates. I suggest that they should look at the positive aspects, rather than the negative aspects.

They should remember that the PAP candidates also have their positive and negative aspects.

How can they expect to see a change in the direction of the country when they are not willing to support an alternative.

Do they expect a miracle? Even if the messiah appears, will they be able to support him? They are likely to reject him.

Many people also fear that the future of Singapore will be uncertain if the non PAP forms the government.

This is not likely to happen. At the very best, the non PAP parties can only hope to capture one third of Parliament.

We do not need to see the PAP being toppled down. If we can vote non PAP to hold one third of the seats in Parliament, we can see a change in policy of the PAP. If they continue to hold more than two thirds, they will not change.

If the majority of the voters in Singapore have a closed mind and expect a miracle, Singapore will remain under the dominance of the PAP. The future for the young people will be bleak.

The problem is not the non PAP parties or their candidates. The problem is the closed mindset of the majority of the people in Singapore.


  1. Let me be the one to break the news: Call PAP members sheep, ball lickers so whatever. Because seriously the

    opposition perpetually cannot even get along with their own party( 50members), do you think, they get well with the

    the people(number in millions)? I doubt so! Transfer of party to party and no matter what, that doesn't work either!

    True, what works for them? Too fickle for their own good! Only PAP and WP vet their people well!

  2. When one can just walk out they feel like it, what was there in an opposition. Damn sia suay.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Can build dormitories for foreign workers but cannot build private housing for Singaporeans like DBSS & EXECUTIVE CONDOS. Instead, profit from the land sales, all the GST from building and purchasing of materials, foreign worker's levy and Dod knows what. Who pays from all these expenses? The Singaporean buyers paid all of it, as foreigners cannot buy them.
    June 02, 2020 7:02 PM
