Sunday, May 10, 2020

Herd immunity

Most people think that herd immunity is a risky strategy for a country to adopt, as the rapid spread of the covid-19 virus can cause serious illness and deaths. 

 There are several epidemiologists who prefer to avoid a lockdown, as it does not solve the problem. It will cause a lot of harm to the economy. When the lockdown is relaxed, as it cannot be continued for too long, the virus will continue to spread as a large proportion of the population has not gained immunity. 

These experts prefer a strategy to isolate and protect the vulnerable population, i.e the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions, and allow the general population to gain the immunity. I wish to share the views of these experts and a political leader.


  1. Whatever differences each and everyone has, there is no difference in our target to the virus? It is a moving target.

  2. Ordered flowers for my mum yesterday. When it was delivered, it was much smaller than it was shown in the pics. No wordings of Happy Mothers Day. Just a blank card of the shop. My sister received the flowers and she placed it on a single chair. My mum was a little upset as it was a reminder of LKY's empty seat with a bunch of flowers wrapped up in the paper on the 2015 National Day Parade celebration.
