Friday, May 01, 2020

Swedish economy also suffered a downturn

Mr. Tan
You favored the approach taken by Sweden where they did not have a lockdown and suffer a smaller economic impact.

Can you read this report. It said that Sweden will suffer an economic decline that may be worse than other countries that have a lockdown.

What you say now?

TKL reply
Hello. The circuit breaker measures adopted in Singapore caused an estimated $60 billion for 6 million people. We also suffer a big economic decline.

Sweden has a population of 10 million people? Did they spend $100 billion (SGD) to provide relief measures? I do not think they spent money to this scale. I think that they real cost is quite modest, compared to Singapore.

Similarly America had to provide economic relief of several trillion dollars. Their spending per capita is similar to Singapore.

It was possible to reduce the spread of the virus through other measures, instead of a lockdown or circuit breaker. Our minister made a poor judgment to impose the circuit breaker measures.


  1. The recession is only beginning. It has not really hit yet. And it is global, not only here.

  2. Driving: For those who are nervous driving here, now is a good opportunity to get your practice on the quiet roads here.

  3. Some of our friends cannot work cos of convid 19 cannot pay their bills etc
    Poor thing
    God bless

  4. Other than Hong Kong people here live in and work in densely populated areas. In case you haven't noticed, beliefs can never be proven or disproven. We are hard to compete with countries with wide-open spaces, with most living in big houses. Better be safe than sorry?

  5. Incomparable to Sweden. Floor spaces are so expensive here that eating places jam in as much seating capacity to over comfortable limits. Go to Clarke Quay or Boat Quay during the weekends. People are just walking shoulder to shoulder. There are space constraints in most places except for Rochalie Drive. I would hate the idea of my children starting discos where they are pack like sardines. Scary more if there is a fire.

  6. Property Purchase;

    Loan To Value (LTV); Ascertain that the banks are safe in the event the properties are repossessed.

    Total Debt Servicing Ratio(TDSR); Ascertain the buyer's affordability and are not overstretched on repayment.

    Stamp Duties; A world thing.

    Additional Buyers Stamp Duties ( ABSD) The uncomfortable hidden truth!


  7. Because as we all see the policy-makers just seemed to have an emotional attachment to money?

    Property Purchase;

    Loan To Value (LTV); Ascertain that the banks are safe in the event the properties are repossessed.

    Total Debt Servicing Ratio(TDSR); Ascertain the buyer's affordability and are not overstretched on repayment.

    Stamp Duties; A world thing.

    Additional Buyers Stamp Duties ( ABSD) The uncomfortable hidden truth!

    May 02, 2020 12:00 AM
