Thursday, May 14, 2020

Unhappy with M of Manpower

My friend managed to find a job recently. She is disappointed with the policy of the M of Manpower.

It has been difficult for me in the last 10 years. I was always working on contract basis even with same or 15% to 20% lower of my salary.

Employer still prefers to employ foreigners. They do not need to contribute CPF or pay levy (Employment Pass Holder) and with poor/lower staff benefits. Foreigners always like to claim everything they also can do.

They can come early and work very late every day. This has affected the jobs available for Singaporeans.

I saw the foreigners bring their own culture and provide assistance to the employer to get more of their friends being employed. Some even exploit our local employees.

The workplace becomes a small community of their own. It is sad to see it is happening in Singapore.

I was jobless for almost more than 1.5 years. I think likely due to above 55 years old and today employer still favoured foreign talents rather than employing Singaporeans even for the same pay.

I have many years of experience in several functions and vast knowledge and experience working with different multinational companies. Still I could not find an employer willing to give me the opportunity.

Perhaps this time I am lucky to find an employer willing to employ me for my experience that I can contribute and age is not a factor. I bring to them my knowledge of enterprise resource planning.


  1. Last week I interviewed a Singaporean via video. He did not bother to make himself presentable with only a sleeveless t-shirt. I could understand that he was home and not bothered to change. One of the questions I asked him why he is leaving his company. He spent twenty minutes bad-mouthing his company and boss. I thought to myself if I hire him will he do the same to me?

    There are always two sides.

  2. I had a middle-aged lady, whom i hired for my small shop. She not only MC queen. She said she not doing this and that as she had spent a lot of time and money on manicure. After 3 weeks i asked her to leave. She is Singaporean.

  3. Prime Minister Lee. You have to take care. The country needs you though you are not perfect. We need you.

  4. Tomorrow will be better than today.

  5. For the first time, I don't have to fight with my sons on arcade:-)

  6. Narcissists think they're special. They expect the world to make exceptions for them and their feelings over others. They are unbearable to be around.
