Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should we reduce reliance on foreign workers?
2. Should we continue the segregation between locals, PR and foreigners?

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  1. Jokes Facebook,

    *Present Economy on Singapore.*
    Employee: Boss, from tomorrow, I will go home at 6 pm sharp daily.

    Boss: Why, what happened?

    Employee: Sir my Salary is not sufficient for me. I want to drive Grab at night. I have to support my family.

    Boss: Ok. Go ahead. But, if you feel hungry at night, come to Bukit Panjang.

    Employee: Why Sir?

    Boss: I sell satay there.

  2. The coincidence of lives in the 60s and 70s. Jobs and health first, all other luxuries second. No tuition. Streets and malls are
    less crowded. Families bonded and at home. Home cook meals. We should have this more often even after circuit-breaker is lifted where everything is shut at least once the end of the month other than essentials. It will be an adjustment, but families have a quality home life?

  3. Everyone in some parts of their lives will be in between jobs. Its only common cents that people at least have some kind of emergency money for these critical times. If people live tightly but still want some kind upper lifestyle, who are they to blame? What if suddenly you suffer health crises and not able to work for some months. Ask the government for handouts?
    May 06, 2020 4:13 PM
