Sunday, June 21, 2020

$90 billion was wasted

Why are there so many people (don't want to tall them idiots) who applaud the government for giving financial relief to help people to tide over the circuit breaker.

How come they cannot see that it was unwise to call the circuit breaker in the first place, causing $25 billion to be spent unnecessary. It was insane to extend the circuit breaker and waste another $40 billion. The final wastefulness was another $30 billion to relax the circuit breaker in three phases.

All of these money (total of $95 billion) need not be spent if the circuit breaker was not called in the first place.

How come these people (I will not call them idiots) cannot see that there was no need for the insane ministers to panic and call the circuit breaker.

If there was no circuit breaker, we do not need to take out so many billions to "give financial help".

The money can be better spent by suspending GST for 8 years or giving every person above age 70 a monthly pension of $800 for their lifetime.

What happens if the insane ministers did not call the circuit breaker? I agree that there was the risk of spreading the infection at that time.  But the same risk exist today, when we relax the circuit breaker. We are no better off.

The $90 billion that was spent (actually wasted) did not change the situation.

Don't worry about the spread of infection. More people will be infected but few, actually very few, will die. How do I know?

Hello, open your eyes and see what has happened during the past three months. How many people died after 30,000 over were infected?

Don't tell me that the foreign workers are young and healthy. Many are not. They are obese and diabetic. But they did not die.

Some people want to argue with me. I ask them to use their brains and look at the facts. They should not argue with nonsensical logic or spout out the rubbish propaganda they were fed with.

Tan Kin Lian


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