Monday, June 08, 2020

Have a broader perspective to the risk of covid-19

I said that the corona virus is mild and will not cause much harm in Singapore.
Some small minded people ask if I will have the same opinion, if I were infected.
My answer to them is - my view remains the same, regardless of who is affected.
I will only be worried if many people are infected and many are hospitalized and many die from the corona.
It does not matter whether it is someone that I know or not.
I continue to be disappointed at the narrow minded, self centered people. They make their decisions based on their selfish, personal perspective.
They cannot think more broadly and more rationally.


  1. Home loan re-pricing or re-financing:

    For those who are thinking about it for lower interest rates might not be able to do so, if you have lost your job or a pay

    cut. Unless the rules have changed, you need to go through the TDSR and LTV like a new home loan. We do not know

    the reason why perhaps they are in a better position why this is necessary. For us, it is ill-used method, but for them it

    are ego and they enjoy seeing the people in slavery to them. If you do not want to go through the hassle than it is

    compulsory to do a paydown of 3% of your loan quantum. If you do not have an income, you can kiss your re-financing

    or re-pricing goodbye. These are the kind of people who are misfits above making all these rules, to show their superiority.

  2. Someone was saying that there are 80 new private housing projects for sale. Hope it is not fake news. How to absorb?

  3. Kicked my toes at the edge of the bathroom floor on the way out. One toenail was about to fell off. The podiatry took out the injured nail. I was told that no new nail would grow as root was gone. Three months later, I discovered a new nail appeared. It took me by surprised as I trusted that podiatrist is supposed to be experts on nails. We have to be our own judge. Not to listen to even the highest qualified experts.

    My wife has high blood pressure and the doctor advised her to lose weight. Rather than cutting down sugar and carb moderately, she just went on a crashed diet. She developed fainting spells, insomnia, nausea and depression. She ended up in the hospital a few times and the doctors did all kinds of test and found nothing wrong with her. Not one doctor asked about her diet. My daughter googled the symptoms and sent her the page on not eating. S he started eating and the symptoms disappeared. It took my daughter who did not go to medical school to find out the reason for her suffering.

  4. Can see there are ib here to spam Mr tan blog

  5. .

    Please note that:

    • We will charge a Conversion Fee of $1,XXX for the repricing request;

    • Please send us the necessary documents within one week from the date of this mail. If we do not receive
    any documents within this time, we will close your repricing request;

    • Repricing your loan will require a full review of your loan, including a review of your Total Debt Servicing Ratio,
    loan-to-value ratio and loan tenure. It also requires a satisfactory credit assessment. Your repricing
    request/application is subject to our approval;

    • The loan packages and fees in this mail may change from time to time, and we may not give you notice of this in advance;

    • This mail (including the packages listed above) is not to be construed as an offer, representation or inducement
    to you or to any other party; and

    • Terms and conditions apply.
