Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Investing long term savings

In my talk on financial planning, I advise young people to invest in the Straits Times Index Exchange Traded Fund (STI ETF). This ETF can be bought like any share on the Singapore Exchange. The STI ETF is a fund that is invested by the fund manager in the top 30 shares in Singapore that are part of the Straits Times Index. They include banks, industrial companies, REITS and other blue chip shares. By investing in the STI ETF, the investor is able to diversify the risk among the 30 blue chip shares. They do not need to worry about which the selection of the shares. They are investing in 30 shares for diversification of the risk. They should invest for the long term to average out the return in the good and bad years.  If the investor has $100,000 or more, they can invest in a selection of blue chip shares, rather than the STI ETF.  They can choose 5 to 10 blue chips shares and spread their investment equally among these shares. They can select the shares based on long term value. I give a regular talk to share my experience in selecting these shares. They can register for my talk, if they find it useful.  The website is: https://tklcloud.com/event

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