Sunday, June 28, 2020

Many manpower ministers - no solution

Many ministers were appointed to be in charge of the manpower ministry over the past four decades - Lee Boon Yang, Ng Eng Hen, Gan Kim Yong, Lim Swee Say, Tan Chuan Jin and Josephine Teo. They were not able to solve the problem of finding jobs for our local professionals, managers, executives and technical (PMETs). They do not understand the root of the problem. They continued to applied the same approach - which failed for the past decades. As our cost of doing business continued to escalate over the years, many manufacturing and service businesses went offshore. Those that remain needed to have low cost labor to continue their operations. The PMETs bore the brunt of this structural change. They lost their jobs and had to take low paying jobs to continue their livelihoods. They became taxi drivers and "business and marketing consultants". They engaged in new business ventures. Many of the new ventures did not succeed. The displaced PMETs accepted their fate. They were fortunate to be cushioned off by the rising values of their HDB flats and private properties. They were able to cope financially, in spite of a drastic drop in income. The financial cushion will not be available for the next generation of PMETs and also the new graduates who will find it difficult to get low paying jobs. All this while, the structural problems were not solved by the many changes in manpower ministers. Maybe, the government was blinded by the revenue of $4 billion to $5 billion a year that is collected on foreign worker levies. It was a good source of income. Sadly, pay-back time had arrived. The spread of covid infections in the foreign worker dormitories caused the government to call for a circuit breaker to deal with the problem. A total of $95 billion was spent during three months to deal with this problem. It probably took away 20 years of the foreign worker levies. The revenue that was earned from the foreign worker strategy was totally spent. We are still left with the problem of displaced PMETs and growing numbers of new graduates who cannot get enough jobs. The future is bleak for the local workers.


  1. How realistic is it the decisions of the entire population?

    Do we allow a small group of judgement to decide for us?

    Must we allow a small fraction of the petition to dictate our preference?

    Do you prefer someone who might look hostile, but genuinely can get a difficult job done effectively and have a positive effect on the majority? Or do you prefer sweet lip service managers who go around pussyfooting everybody to get in their good books?

    Must we judge the book by its cover?

    Do we want someone who just spends valuable time pacifying people or someone who is able to push a high performing team and not rest on laurels?

    The present PAP has got both kind of leaders!

  2. People normally do not take notice of the kucing kurap petition. It will only have an impact if it reaches 200,000?

  3. Important facts to remember when one intends to go into politics:

    a) just kow tow to all the people you pass by

    b) you not only need good coping mechanism but super thick skin

    c) when you are in charge, do the three wise monkeys.

    d) be pretentious.

    June 28, 2020 1:10 PM

  4. People all like that one. In front of you very nice. Behind you talk bad about you, even relatives.

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  6. My high-functioning lawyer wife forgets that she is at home talking to our children. She

    speaks to them in a condescending tone as though she is in the courtroom grilling a ......?

    My children will grow up to be real men one day. They humbly replied to my wife, "mummy why

    you speak like that?" Role Switching cannot be easy.


  7. People who make themselves appear threatening rarely do any harm.


  8. Tot, I watch the live debate on the 4 parties, but as usual, ended disappointed. The PAP 's usual rehashing and defensive of their fecking policies. That Chindian picked on one candidate like he still has an old score to deal with him!
