Sunday, June 21, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. How will voters react to the PAP's handling of the corona crisis?
2. Will life get back to normal after the circuit breaker?

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  1. We need people, who not only can hold the government together, but also change

    the country for better. So far all we have are musical chair oppositions and

    a present ruling party, who cannot come out for other options for money bottom

    line other than raising GST? It will not only increase the cost of living,

    but push away investments. So far we have not seen any master in businesses,

    and governmental matters. They are only been able to carry out the good work

    left by the old government. I am not speaking for others, but I won't vote

    for them just for one season of good work on the epidemic. If any three-corner fight

    oppositions whom I cannot stand come to my ward, I will then choose the

    lesser of the two evils-PAP.🤞

  2. Drugs are still around.
    Fatal road accidents are the norm.
    HDB long waiting time.
    Private housing $2000psf is considered cheap.
    Students learn by memorising.
    How many below 30 years can actually cook or do ironing?
    Congestion and crowding are the in thing.
    In today's comfort means living in a house 1000 sq. ft. and above.
    Still cannot tackle the low birth rate.
    Low crime does not mean no crime
    People are always fixed on their hand-phones while walking.
    One is not normal if no tuition class.
    Best facilities in school but student to teacher ratio...
    Leaders may be good but only go on their rounds near election time.
    Civil service only knows how to reply by generic answers.
    Civil service knows how to make themselves look good.
    What they policies, most are counter-productive.
    Worse of all the leaders' talk and act like Mr Know All.
