Friday, June 26, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Is it difficult to submit transactions with govt websites?
2. Are badly designed govt websites costly to the nation?
3. Your reaction to the news that Goh CT is retiring from politics.
4. Why does Khaw BW decide to retire from politics?

Vote in


  1. Not so sure if one is speaking for every one of the same race. Evidently, they will be voting for the PAP because of the kindness the party have shown to their own kind from the dormitory.😊

  2. Some say might not vote for him. Although healthy now, sekali halfway the five years kenna the constituency stranded. Not many people can have a healthy life like snake Mahatir.

  3. A pleasure to hear that most candidates are being promotion on their ability, hands-on experiences, character and their high tolerance for stress than marketing their exam results and the prestigious schools they attended.

  4. An agent called back and ask if we are still interested to buy the condo unit that we gave an offer, but they rejected it last October. We checked that were 7 units(6 actually,1 double listing) listed
    for rental. We declined to cite that since it will be an investment property, we would have to compete with the 6 units for rental. We cannot afford low rental as we might be paying a higher price compared to those bought a few years ago or longer, plus our ABSD.

  5. In this world when you can get everyone to like you, you must be money, not human. Along

    the way one is bound to cross-swords with somebody unless one's feelings are made of stone.

    Even LKY had enemies! Not everyone can smile all the time when you cannot switch off from

    work. Idiot people.
