Monday, June 15, 2020

WOTC - Few deaths among infected foreign workers

Wisdom of the Crowd: 73% of the respondents said that the infected foreign workers are young and healthy, resulting in few deaths. 27% said the the virus is mild in a warm climate.


  1. Old Wise Saying-

    You can't hit a target if you don't know what it is.

    A goal properly set is halfway reached.

    Going into high reserves, minimum or maximum, 3 times!

    Property cooling measures maybe 10 times?

    What kind of master plan are we having?

    We are still waiting for breakthroughs!

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    accomplish more with putting out less? Or

    accomplish less with putting out more?

    Pay And Pay. Money makes the world go round.

  3. The annoying moths are causing disturbances in our house.
