Tuesday, June 16, 2020

WOTC - Relaxation of the circuit breaker in phases

Wisdom of the Crowd: 67% of the respondents disagree with the relaxation of the circuit breaker in phases. The other 33% think that it is a wise step



  1. Should those who are to get infected be responsible for their own actions? Paying their own hospital bills including the maids? The employers should also be hit in the pockets for their maids. Freeride from tax-payers money will not help those who have been religiously following all the rules to avoid infection.

  2. We used one of my children's name to buy a small investment property as we were not willing the pay 12% ABSD, which works out to $192,000, a few years ago when he was 24. He is now 33 and is getting married. His future wife does not want to live which she considered is not hers. My son has made a subtle suggestion for us to sell the property to release his name. Selling in such a market scenario? ????? A lesson. Do not bend around not paying ABSD. If one cannot afford the cash ABSD, don't buy.

  3. Vehicles lifespan-10 years.

    HDB lifespan- 99 years.

    Life is short.

  4. 70% ❤❤ PM Lee.

  5. "We used one of my children's name to buy a small investment property as we were not willing the pay 12% ABSD, which works out to $192,000, a few years ago when he was 24. He is now 33 and is getting married. His future wife does not want to live which she considered is not hers. My son has made a subtle suggestion for us to sell the property to release his name. Selling in such a market scenario? ????? A lesson. Do not bend around not paying ABSD. If one cannot afford the cash ABSD, don't buy."

    You senile? 7 years ago ABSD was not 12%. It's hard to follow, but its definitely not 12%. I think it is only 3%?
