Friday, July 03, 2020

Difficult to file an annual return with ACRA

It is extremely difficult for me to file an annual return to ACRA as a private company. I faced difficulty every year for the past ten years. The problem arise from a complicated website and often a non-responsive website. This year, I decided to take a video showing the user experience.  I upload this video to show the confusing journey that I have to go through, and still failed to submit the annual return. ACRA charges me $60 for the privilege of submitting a return, after they made my life very difficult and troublesome. I am submitting this feedback to ACRA and also to the Smart Nation Office. When will our minister and civil service recognize that they have to change their approach and avoid giving a heavy burden to the business community?


  1. Spoke to a Bangladeshi technician today. He told me that he has been staying in hotel for the past 2 months and has been commutting using Grabs to and from hotel to his workplace everyday. According to him, all are paid for by our government. Besides, he also receive free food everyday and was also given a 50Gbytes SIM cards and $300 last 2 months. He was very grateful that Singapore has given him all this benefits during this difficult time.

    I asked him if he would like to be a Singaporean if he is given a chance, he immediately said NO... I was surprised and asked him why. His answer was that they are treated better than Singaporean...😂😂

    Fake News. Do not believe!

  2. Dun think the government is so generous. If he is under government, its only right that his employers pay for it. Bangla cannot afford it, so who is going to dig the roads.


  3. Large voters added that the honourable thing for __________ to do would have been to admit that his party's spending of the country 90 billion was based on _____________________????????
