Saturday, July 11, 2020

Get rid of political parties

I wrote this article to suggest a way to replace the election of political leaders using political parities and replace it by the election of community leaders on personal merit.

I received 4 votes agreeing to the suggestion and 3 votes disagreeing with it.

I was surprised to see a high proportion of disagreement. I had expected to see more people supporting the new approach, as it addresses the "political corruption" that is prevalent in many countries.

I guess that the people who disagree have a vested interest, as they are connected to the political parties.

Why are there so few people who agree with it. I guess most people are apathetic or negative and will not support an suggestion unless they have a personal stake.

I hope that more people will come forward and support an idea, even if they do not have a personal stake. We need more positive forces to effect change and deal with the bad practices in our society.

Read this article again and give your vote.

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