Thursday, July 02, 2020

Who Dares Win - Looking beyond the Reign of the Men in White

By Chung Sing Yee, retired corporate executive Among members of a number of chat groups in which I participate, there appears to be a consensus that the PAP will win the coming GE hands down, with quite a few postulating a clean sweep for the PAP.  A clean sweep for the PAP means they win every seat in Parliament, from single seat constituencies to group representation constituencies. It means that the Workers Party will be unceremoniously booted out. These clean sweep proponents, however, lament that such an outcome is far from ideal because they would prefer to see at least 20% of seats going to the Opposition, so that they can  serve as a Check and Balance to the PAP. They are therefore resigned to virtual PAP absolutism because the Opposition has offered no credible platform  other than negativity towards the PAP, which in turn means that they are far from offering any semblance of an agenda to steer Singapore forwards and onwards to a viable future. Read the full essay here

1 comment:

  1. Large voters added that the honourable thing for __________ to do would have been to admit that his party's spending of the country 90 billion was based on _____________________????????
