Saturday, July 04, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Which party gave convincing messages during the e-broadcast?
2. What vote share do you expect the PAP to get?
3. Which non PAP party will win the most seats?
4. How do you find the PAP candidates?

Vote in


  1. We might reach ten million in case a new Covid-10 appears and the government decides to distribute 95 billion to each individual. Businesses can afford to close. Husbands and wives need not work for 15 years with their combine money receive and the birthrate shoots up. This type of thing cannot predict one. People not only have money for more than 7 children but also the time to concentrate on the children. Less stress for parents and children do not have to be brought up by foreign maids. Guaranteed votes of above 80%. Money talks. Majority of the population are able to see a few hundred thousand dollars once before they leave this earth. Less crimes need less mata. Less delinquent people, as they brought up by parents.

  2. You were born by a political father.

    You were introduced into politics at a very young age.

    You now have an obligation to the country like it is your child.

    You do not need the money as you are rich enough.

    You are still struggling to get voted in as you see it as your duty.

    You saw how your child has transformed into an adult.

    You have ignored all battered against you and your family as you feel your conscience is clear.

    Conclusion: If your party's votes get pulled down, will it be because of the insincerity of your men and the policies?

  3. No significance in practical usefulness of the outcome measured in revenue, efficiency, cost-saving or effectiveness?

  4. "GE2020: SDP made 'false and baseless allegations' on Government’s handling of COVID-19, says Lawrence Wong."

    PAP has made its conclusions and summaries. This election has pose all the right fairness in all parties including to the oppositions. The opinion on the people lies on the 10th of July. Don't assume that some people have your same opinions. If you want to know the real answers, have you taken time to ask and find out what others on the ground really think?

  5. "GE2020: SDP made 'false and baseless allegations' on Government’s handling of COVID-19, says Lawrence Wong."

    Have you ever take a deep breath and ask yourself if the 'false and baseless

    allegations' that housing is affordable and that nearly everyone owns a

    home? Developers has to cut sizes to half to make affordability? What kind

    of leader allow this to happen?

    The outcomes have made people live in unpleasant situations. A home is like

    air to living humans. Have you ever stop to evaluate homes are being

    squashed as a business? So what is the takeaway? That you just want to hold

    on to purse-strings?

  6. If the 4G is so good as they claimed, why still need one *heavyweight star* to canvass for votes?

  7. SENGKANG a sure winner.

  8. The millennial generation, Generation Y; the people born post-1980 will be stereotypically different from the previous generations in voting style. For us is a matter of having an affordable and spacious home and starting a family.

  9. Dinosaur people make policies as if we are living in the past.....but for people living in the present cost them lost opportunities!

    I know that this is not a big amount of money on private residential compared to malls.

    When we bought our private property for investment, a foreign bank insisted that we have the

    affordability to pledge a minimum 20% funds to their bank as a fixed deposit in the event

    that due to unforeseen circumstances, they could use the fixed deposit as a temporary payment

    till finances were to straighten out. Other than the 20% upfront payment for the property,

    we maxed the loan to 80%, so as to have emergency money for other expenses and loan

    repayment of up to a year for non-tenancy rent collection. There is a difference between

    foreign banks who want your businesses, but also to protect themselves. As long as they

    have a little security they are more a less not as particular in your application, citing

    cash-rich, asset poor. There was no such thing as ABSD, LTV or TDSR or TDRS. Thinking out

    of the box, they claimed that one's income is not permanent. Besides on tenure, one can

    live up to 60 and be sickly, another can work up to 75 due to good health. There is a

    difference between "smart" or just "book-smart. Of course, this was years ago. A lot has since

    change since 4G took over. Today, we are retired and living on the rental, with the loan

    fully paid.

  10. Whatever wedge😁 they are creating to our country, we are not buying😁. Tore their flyer as soon opened the envelope and saw the traitor's🤢 face.
