Saturday, July 11, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Your reaction to the performance of People Action Party
2. Your reaction to the performance of the Worker Party
3. Your reaction to the performance of the Progress Singapore Party
4. Your reaction to the performance of the Singapore Democratic Party
5. Your reaction to the performance of the People Voice Party.

Vote in


  1. He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother ( PSP Party )
    The Hollies

    The road is long
    With many a winding turn
    That leads us to who knows where
    Who knows where
    But I'm strong
    Strong enough to carry him
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother

  2. Worker's Party and PAP:

    A goal shared is a goal likely to achieve.

  3. Damn pai seh PM in waiting got this type of percentage votes. But if don't move to Nicole's ward WP would have took another GRC? Soon they even can form government in next election. Prata Singh PM. Sylvia and Jamus Lim DPM. All the other members can be Ministers.

  4. In my old group from church, PAP got some extra votes. We normally belong to good and strong opposition parties. For the first time change to PAP to go against the dishonorable brother.

  5. PAP got integrity. During the sample count, their votes were not that fantastic. There was no blackout than the lights were restored, won by a big margin. The worker's Party also got integrity. If they were to put their Jamus Seah and Nicole Lim in every ward, PAP might be wiped out, except for LHL.

  6. That Mrs Peanut husband was the one who pushed for party renewal. So many new and young ones.
    So now what happens to party renewal? He just kept quiet when the votes went down.

  7. People should not be categorized under 3/Gen, singles, divorced, families, or resale for the qualification of public flats. If they cannot build flats for all kinds of Singaporeans, instead of building 40 storey flats to SER the people, and used the SERS land to sell it to the developers for their coffers. How many couples waiting to get married had to wait for years for a flat? Half of our life has been gone wasted. If exec-condos are built by private developers who had bought the land from the country, Singaporeans has every right to buy provided they do not own another HDB flat. If HDB can buy private, why can't private buy direct from HDB? The way singles are only allowed to buy one room in certain areas are indirectly telling them, that they are second-class by choice. Singles pay the penalty and according to them not enough flats to go around. The fault goes to the people, not them.

    Schools should not gain entry by results. This is not the way to stigmatise the good results and the poor results by the schools they are in? It should be by distance. The elite schools should all move out of Bukit Timah. Look at most of the luxury cars with the school stickers. Though some obtained good results, they chose not to go to such schools due to their families not being able to afford the luxuries the majority of the kids could, which resulted in inferiority complex.

    Even in hair salons, the hairdresser will ask where do we live. If we tell them Orchard Road, at the paying counter we are harassed to buy all kinds of hair products.

    Lawyers at AGM condos used their position to threaten others from being sued if something was said not to their liking. And most these are that one minority race.

    Salaries and income are being used as a benchmark for all their policies. One can have a foreign spouse if you earn above a certain amount. One can have a maid if your salary is above a certain amount. Even buying HDB also salary should below a certain amount. One minister said why penalised people who work hard and make good when opposition said to tax more on the rich on the live debate. I guess they were more on the rich and they did not agree to the idea to hit their pockets. Inconsistencies! Say one thing but do another.
    Even HDB has got people categorised by 1-room, 2-room, 3-room, 4-room, 5-room and executive! People might not earn big salaries but just do what they love, either because they have rich parents, a big inheritance in their accounts or have earned enough to retire. It is a country where one cannot move without a high regular income. Civil service people are just exam-smart! They try to stay safe and not venture beyond other kinds of money.

    People are still being named by their race. China is Ah Tiong. India is Ah Nor Neh. Ang-Mo is Kantang. Singaporeans are Show-Off. National Service they are even by called worse names.

    The 4Gs may be good people, but lack charisma and the people do not have a feel-good factor for them.

    All in all, they not only need a lot of revamp on their policies, but also not class the people on their monthly salaries and their educational results.
