Thursday, August 27, 2020

Analysis of Electric Car Manufacturers

 The most famous electric car manufacturer is Tesla motors.

What about the other EV manufacturers - BYD, Nio, Nikola and XPeng?

Here are some information. The information is sketchy.

Tesla is way ahead, followed by BYD and Nio.


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  2. Malaysia's richest man, Robert Kuok , finally stepped forward and made a statement for the Chinese Malaysian. He criticized Mahathir's policies in power and led Chinese Malaysians to lose hope in their future.

    Robert Kuok said: "Malaysian Chinese are hardworking and hardworking people. Their wealth is totally dependent on their labor and sacrifices, and it is definitely not for nothing! However, the results of the hard work of the Chinese people were all swept away by Mahathir's party under Mahathir's means! 》

    In an exclusive interview with the English Star News, Robert Kuok emphasized: "When Mahathir was in power, the ruling party just wanted to sit back and enjoy the success. Seeing that those large Chinese-funded companies were very successful and envied, they adopted the unfair privilege policy to force the acquisition of the hard work of Chinese entrepreneurs; this is not right. This has caused many Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs to run away. They have chosen to transfer their funds to Hong Kong, Singapore, mainland China and even the United States, Australia and Europe, because they think their funds and enterprises will be safer in those countries and regions. Worried that the political blackhands are taking advantage of their life's hard work. 》

    In fact, Robert Kuok himself was one of the big entrepreneurs who chose to run away when he was disappointed with the prospect of doing business in Malaysia during Mahathir's reign. His corporate kingdom is headquartered in Hong Kong. His business focus is in Hong Kong, Singapore, Mainland China, Europe and America, and there are also a large number of original industry investment projects in Indonesia and Thailand. In his own country, Malaysia, the investment projects have been shrinking, the sugar factory is gone, the rice business is gone, the flour mill is gone, and even the movie theater line GSC is also going to be sold; only Shangri-La Hotel, Massimo Bakery is left And the oil palm planting industry all over East Malaysia.

    Robert Kuok moved frequently all over the world, and large-scale development plans and investment plans were constantly being updated. However, he was not interested in Malaysian investment. The reason for this is that everyone knows that it is Mahathir and the huge friends behind him.

  3. Over the past 20 years, especially under the leadership of Mahathir and Anwar as the Minister of Finance, under their leadership, many Chinese-funded enterprises in Malaysia have been gradually adopted by the government official company GLC and Malay business partners with UMNO support Use a variety of soft and hard means and swallow.

    From the KFC's hometown chicken in the 1980s, the late Dansley Zhang Guolin's Dragon Horse Holdings, the late Dansley Lin Wutong's son-in-law's Southern Bank, to Guangyi Bank, Mapo Finance, Hezhong Bank, industrial giant SP SETIA, etc. , All fell into the hands of the Malays. And Robert Kuok owns a significant shareholding in the Perlis Sugar Factory, Kuantan Flour Mill, Federal Flour Mill, Gardenia Bakery, and the National Rice Company, all of which were hard-earned by the Mahathir Party enterprise "Elite".

    Mahathir’s severe deviation from the “New Economic Policy” has led to the overwhelming reluctance of overseas companies to invest and the withdrawal of non-indigenous Malaysian businesses from Malaysia. The efficiency of government officials is getting lower and lower, and the phenomenon of high administrative efficiency has further made the domestic and foreign corporate investors pessimistic and generally bearish on the economic prospects of Malaysian countries.

    In fact, during Mahathir's reign, it was also chilling for Chinese businessmen to talk about one set of performance without integrity. The Mahathir government told the people that they would do everything they could to attract foreign businessmen and investors to invest and set up factories to create job opportunities; on the other side, they slammed and bullied local Chinese businessmen, and they took advantage of their hard work , Forcing them to abandon the Malaysian market and transfer large amounts of assets overseas.

  4. In an interview with the Malaysian English Star, Robert Kuok said that Malaysia’s future prospects are good and bad, and it depends entirely on economic development. If the government can attract a large amount of foreign capital and stimulate the flow of economic life, the prospects for Malaysia are still optimistic; but if the Malaysian government continues the policies of the Mahathir period, it will continue to treat Chinese businessmen with non-indigenous capital and talent outflows with biased policies. If foreign exchange doesn't flows into the Malaysian economic market, then the Malaysian economy will fall into a bottomless pit and there will be no hope in the short term.

    However, Robert Kuok also pointedly said: "Only when those corrupt and power-handed blackhands stop plundering state property will Malaysia have a chance to stand up again for development, otherwise Malaysia will continue to sink. 》

    Although Mr. Robert Kuok did not name the surname, everyone knew that he was referring to Mahathir.

    Now Mahathir, his gangs, and political gangsters continue to incite ethnic divisions to create trouble and destroy national peace, because each of them is still full of stomachs; when all talents and Chinese businessmen are gone, the country has no money, they They must be hungry before they will taste the evil they have planted.

    Therefore, Robert Kuok called on Malaysian politicians to immediately stop inciting ethnic rivalries and extreme racial religiousism, and to avoid remorse, violent turmoil, massive capital outflows, and economic collapse once the situation is out of control. It is too late.

    Robert Kuok fears that there are more and more extreme-thinking Malays who are incited by politicians to hate the Chinese. He even attempts to plunder the Chinese assets with evil intentions.

    Robert Kuok said: "The assets owned by the Chinese are all earned by the Chinese themselves through hard work and hard work. There is no fluke at all, and there is no unearned gain. The Chinese can get rich only because of the sacrifice of the Chinese themselves. Wealth will not fall from the sky. 》

  5. In order to start a business hard, some Chinese even borrowed money from loan sharks, sacrificed sleep, and strived for their careers every second; Malays saw jealousy in those successful Chinese, but they did not see more failed Chinese.

    The Malays have a hatred of the rich toward the Chinese, largely due to the policies implemented during Mahathir's reign. When Mahathir was in power, the government unconditionally issued hundreds of billions of interest-free and loan-free loans to the Malays through the New Economic Policy, but they did not instill their correct ideas and ideas about getting rich in business; causing many Malays After getting the loan, the business did not spend money and squandered the money. The money was quickly used up, and I did not expect to have to bear the responsibility of repaying the money.

    After a long period of time, they have developed a lazy and loose personality in the Malay people. If they have money, they will spend it randomly. If they have no money, they will ask the government. If they don’t have money, they will take a table and go to rob and steal to enjoy their lives. The religious divisions and politicians with ulterior motives that I saw incited and hated the Chinese who had accumulated their wealth through their unremitting efforts, and all day long thought about how to seize the property of the Chinese; all this was caused by Mahathir when he was in power.

    In the past, the DAP vigorously attacked Mahathir, but today he embraced Mahathir and escorted Mahathirism. If one day Mahathirism returns to Malaysian politics again, undermines national tranquility, and drives away Chinese businesses, the Malaysian economy cannot find a way to live. The Chinese who have the ability have already left, or are planning to leave this country. Those who doesn't have the ability to leave can only sink with this country. At that time, the DAP has once again become a sinner forever!

    Author: Luo Zhengkai
