Monday, August 31, 2020

Placing incoming visitors on quarantine

 I consider it insane for the ministers to impose a 14 day quarantine on incoming visitors from countries with infection rates that are similar or lower than that of Singapore.

If Singaporeans can move around within our island, there is no reason to believe that the incoming visitors are more likely to be infected and should be placed on quarantine.

The quarantine strongly discourages visitors into Singapore (who wants to be quarantined for 14 days?) and surely kills the tourism trade - airlines, hotels, restaurants, conventions.

I am however surprised that over 80% of ordinary people support the quarantine. Maybe they still have jobs and are not affected by the economic downturn.

There is a higher risk of infection when visitors are allowed into Singapore, but this risk is manageable. It will not lead to a high rate of hospitalization or deaths.

By taking the extreme measures of quarantine, we will surely kill the livelihood of many people and more businesses will close down and never recover.

The insanity expends beyond the ministers and has infected 80% of the population.

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