Saturday, August 22, 2020

Quora: Why is Germany taking the side of China against the US?

Clifford Nelson replied.

Lets see…

The US is trying to force Germany to stop the pipeline because the US wants Germany to have to buy much more expensive US petroleum. The Russian petroleum that goes through the Baltic Sea cannot be taxed by the Ukraine, and so make US oil more competitive. Bald faced self interest at the cost of Germany. US is a bully.

Trying for force Germany to make all Huawei products illegal.
They make the best and cheapest telecommunications equipment and the nobody has ever released and evidence that it is used for spying, in fact there seems to not even be any rumors that any data has been lost because of Huawei products, unlike the case the US, which has been proven to spy on its allies. This is just another case of the US being a bully.

US failed to hold up agreement with Iran, and Europe depends on Iran for keeping energy costs low. In addition the US has again proven that is it just a bully since there was no evidence that Iran was not going to stand by the agreement, and American stupidity has just made the situation worse.
Trump constantly shows lack of respect for Merkel who is very much respected by her own country. German officials were so alarmed by Trump's conversations with Angela Merkel that they took extra steps to make sure they stayed secret, according to a CNN report.

Trump pushed Germany to increase military spending. Who benefits from military spending, why the biggest arms dealer in the world, the US. US attempts to push that Russia is such a danger when it has half the GDP of Germany alone, and is now two countries away. Russia is not the post WW2 USSR with the Warsaw pact behind it. Russia in not even close to Imperial Russia since Ukraine, Belarus and all the other Russian republics are no longer under the control of Russia.

Germany is much better of to cozy up to China since China is much less a threat to Germany than the US. China does not have either the economic or military leverage that the US does, so the sooner that Germany strengthens the European position with China, it can use that as a threat against bullying by the US. China has never even attempted to bully Germany, unlike the US. And President Xi has always been respectful of Merkel, unlike Trump.

The sooner Germany stands up to the US the better, because when a bully fails, he usually starts to show respect. Thus the sooner that Germany will get the respect is deserves from the US instead of continuing to be just be pushed around. And the rest of Europe will benefit since Germany is a much better friend than the US, and it can help them against the bully.

My question to you is why should Germany do any of the things the US has been demanding Germany do. None are in the best interest of Germany….not one. Much better for Germany to do what is best for Germany, rather than what is the US thinks is best for the US for Germany to do. Also better for Germany to do what is best for Europe and no longer what is best for the US. The sooner European counties can tell the bully to go pound sand, the better. They US has not been a good world leader for decades, and there should be push back. Its adventures in the Middle East have all backfired, The sanctions have not worked and only hurt Europe.

And to show how bad the leadership is, just look at how badly it handled the virus. It was thought the the US would have the best response, but that was wrong. Instead China did. Who has the best control over things? Who is now constantly reacting and just doing stupid things? the US.

And American economic policy of ridiculously low interest rates, which is sure to result into a real disaster in the future. Because US interest rates were so low the rest of the world was forced to follow. Money the is too cheap is destructive, and now the US deficit is skyrocketing and the US Fed balance sheet is so out of balance that if interest rates go where they should, this debt will just continue to increase. It is not just the US that will suffer badly, but the whole world when the balancing act finally fails. Such bad leadership.

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