Thursday, September 03, 2020

Analysis of international banks

 My friend invested in Citibank and Bank of America. He asked me to give my views on these shares.

I decided to analyze several international banks.


  1. Generally agree with your analysis. US banks generally much better than European banks. But more than that, I find European ones tend to have more shenanigans -- dunno why. Local banks also quite good, other than the trade war uncertainty impacting Asia.

    However chinese banks more tricky. On paper very very cheap. But they've been tasked to do NS to support & bankroll all sorts of companies during covid. They are looking at easily hundreds of billions of USD in bad debts, maybe even a trillion dollars. Of course Beijing won't let them fail. Beijing will bail them out using a combination of reserves, govt bonds(taxpayers), amended regulations & laws. Beijing will step in as guarantor. However share prices may take many many years to recover or move up & may be dead money.

  2. This pandemic thing has not really hit home yet. The Singapore market continuously going down. That tells us something?

  3. It's a great blog about finance thanks for sharing the blog to know more about Bank online..
    Bank online
